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Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Wow what a plantpot!

This September the Fiat 500C graced Milan's streets with a bombarment of white cars acting as nifty tree holders! Designed by Fabio Novembre, and represents two objects both fighting for urban space! A marketeers dream, art installations like this are the future of outdoor marketing!

For more visit: The

Project: Alicia's 21st Birthday Party Invites

My brief was to design and Photshop some 21st Birthday invitations reflecting a passion for the colour pink, taking lots of photographs and being very very girly.

After a fun day prancing around a local park I took photgraphs encompasing baloons and appropriate props to reflect the clients personality.

With a funky yet fairytale theme the project turned out to be rather succesfull! Cant wait to see what people think now as they recieve a hot pink invite to their doorstep.
Happy Birthday to Alicia for next month!

Cool Hunters

Las Vegas meets Avatar, imagine these fiberoptic flowers at your event? A-MAZING.

So Ive just been introduced into the world of 'Cool hunting' and already im hooked. I cant help but glare at every artistic looking student that walks past thinking ... are they ahead of their game will that scalf be fashionable in a years time... By next week I have to come up with my own trend that I think is going to be big for 2011, so this weeks going to involve lots of happy snapping on the high street and lots of research.

I thoughout I would share with you an amazing website called and discover the trends that are to be!

I will keep you updated if I find anything else exciting in my new world of spotting trends.

"Cool is something sleek, simple and bold that feels effortless" The


Sunday, 25 July 2010

Otterburn towers Wedding

Last week I went to a wedding at Otterburn Towers hotel in Northumberland. The day was lovely with a cute service in one of the rooms in the said haunted hotel! Guests were able to stay over after the party which took part in a beautiful marquee outside and other hotels were close by for guests however with only one taxi opperating in Otterburn I would reccomend hiring a bus for my guests if I was to get married here or host a party in the spooky surroundings.

The marquee was decorated with ivy climbing up the walls which was a lovely touch, guests were given a bag of sweets to much their way through during the speeches and plenty of wine and champaz to hand. Not forgetting 2 adorable brides maids and page boy.

After the ceremony guests were handed pims to enjoy whilst photos were taken, the glasses were filled with fruit which was nice to see as some places can be a bit stingey!

The only comment I would have was that the bride and groom played a whole host of Ibiza type tunes which was to their taste, however killed the atmosphere on the dance floor and their were a few grumbles from older generation the next day! When choosing your playlist for any event always consider a variety of ages and generations!
And as always the bride looked gorgeous with a bang on trend lace dress with buttons all down the back and an amazing vintage style head piece which looked really classy.

Love and Champagne kisses x

Poor old blog

Ok so my blogs looking a little on the ill side at the moment! I managed to delete the cute background after trying to install some sort of html coding (of which I am no genius!) So currently im stuck here with it looking rather boring, ill wait for my boyfriend to get back from exhibiting his furniture in Vienna and sort it out for me! :)

Ive had a very busy few months working for Haymarket Exhibitions working within the Sponsorship department on Autosport Internatioanl, BBC Good Food Shows, Clothes Show Live, Clothes Show London, Masterchef live and BBC Gardeners World Live... phewfffff. After a whole year exploring the city of London I have moved back up north (Newcastle town) with a whole load of brilliant experience and a whole pile of work that needs completing before September eeeek.

I went surfing yesturday the first time in 2 years at Tynemouth, Newcastle Upon Tyne equiped with a small sister sized wet suit that I managed to squeeze into (although it did pinch around the neck a rather uncomfortable experience im sure you will agree) and a massive surfboard which we almost lost on the motorway on the way home when the tyke decided to detatch itself from the roof of the car, much to my horror. However I discovered a gorgeous beach cafe called Crusoes, filled with massive slabs of cake,baileys hot chocolate and a whole host of yummy food. This place is THE perfect beach party location for the north east. The photos for it at night look awsome also. Drinks and music on a sunny evening on the outside decking leading down to the sea would be brilliant to theme and a relaxing unique environment!

Totally love it check it out!

(Although after checking out their party buffet menu you would need a rather big budget however its worth negotiating and perhaps bringing in your own caterer, or hire the venue as a bar and host your own BBQ outside? It would also look great with some giant cushions outside like the ones you find in Turkey in bars!)

After refusing to get to know Twitter Ive finally decided that its probably a good move to get to grips with whats going on in the event industry and im already hooked! Wedding Ideas magazine is a personal fave and I love reading their updates and wedding stories. Today I discovered a brilliant blog called rock and roll bride which has given me a fresh new outlook on weddings and also looks just brill as shes really into her photography so its given me a bit of inspiration to make my own blog look a little cheekier! I shall keep following!

Off to the gym after indulging in one of my sisters gorgeous chocolate brownies 'Betty's brownies'. I hope she goes into mass production so you too can also try her lovely taste sensations one day!

Love and surboards

Meg x

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Im back!

Ok so Ive screwed up what was a beautiful looking blog all due to the fact I tried to insert some html code to allow me to make money off my site... well its wortha try isnt it, new pretty site to follow in a few days.

So I havent done a blog in ages and really need to get going actually posting interesting stuff about events but ive been so busy actually working on them I havnt had a chance. So heres what Ive been up to!

After my amazing week at the BBC Good Food Show/ Gardeners World Live this was followed by an equally amazing time working at Clothes Show London. However I have to admit I was VERY gutted that Katie Price made no appearence!!! The weekend was full of gorgeous designer boutiques, Coronas with new boyband the Wanted, Dave Berry, George and Larry Lamb and Jeff Braizier and Marvyn Williams who to my absolute delight said '' ahhh heres my girl" that could have been a personal highlight of the year along with back in December Jeff asking me to sit and watch the fashion theatre performance with him, im not going to lie I text the whole of my phone book 'guess who im with?' Eeek :)

A particular highlight was the fashion theatre at this years show with fashion capitals theme it wowed the audiences with a massive stage, amazing lights and musical effects. Including a sparkly catwalk from Emma Bell's collection which was super!

The Corona beach bar was another personal fave , we raked the beach each night and helped create a real indoor beach it looked fab!

Amazing weekend however ended in tears after my credit card and blackberry got pinched in the last 15 mins of the show... It would be me!!!

Love and clothes show boutiques xxx

Monday, 14 June 2010

Katie Price to attend Clothes Show London

Katie Price at the beach bar in 2009!

YES! The rumours are true Katie Price will be returning to Clothes Show London this year. Last year she kindly left us some jogging bottoms to share out in the office and I have to say I am a proud owner of a pair of bright pink fury trousers which are strictly for 'sloppy' 'in the house' ' i dont want to see anyone today' days (if I had the guts I wouldnt mind flaunting them around Virgin Active Kingston) Ultimate Essex girl!

This year not only will she be returning to our second year of Clothes Show London she'll be bringing her hubby Alex along to grace the catwalk, lets hope I have confirmed front row seats to check out the yummy torso!

Our very own make-up artists and fashion stylists behind the scenes will with reveal Pricey with "a brand new, couture inspired and highly elegant look" lets hope theres no gold bikinis in the mix for her OR more importantly Alex!

Other celebs to hit the stage this year include George Lamb and his dishy dad Larry Lamb. Paloma Faith will also be singing at the Style Awards which is a star studded event on the Friday evening, I imagine I will be doing something ultra glamourous such as pouring champaz for guests as they arrive, a brilliant excuse to whip out my fave river Island maxi dress! :) Cant wait!

Come along and get your Summer beauty fix at London to Earl's Court from 25 to 27 June its going to be sizzling hot!

Any questions let me know!

Love and catwalk dreams

Meg x

Sunday, 13 June 2010

The Wedding

I have come across a fellow blogger in Look magazine Danielle Coplans! Her blog is infact so succesfull she makes a living off it and she as well as me is completely in love with everything weddings! Its not that I want to get married anytime soon I just love the whole event the dress, the grooms speech the happiness everyones also ALWAYS so happy! Its just a brilliant day full of pretty things! Anyway has her own website dedicated to bring you everything weddings ... I cant wait to go through and read it all and bring you all the cool stuff I find!

Love and wedding confetti


I heart tents!

Ive mentioned the fact I love tents for events to a few of my friends now and everyone gives me that look of absolute disgust! A tent!!!

Tents have become the way forward for events you can select a size, shape and even create beautiful looking rooms they are perfect for weddings.

I found PapaKata a family run teepee company who are amazing and after visiting RSVP exhibition this was the best company around, if you find a comapny with prettier tents please do share! They create special events by hiring out their tents pioneered by the Sami people of Lapland.

The coolest thing about them is that they can also provide real burning fires and reindeer skins for cosy winter events it sounds just so gorgeous, I'll grab my nanas knitted jumper and a cup of hot choccie and im there!
0800 612 9692

My first blog

So here goes my first blog its the first day after the World cup started for England 'Come on England', and last night after pretending to myself I was watching the world cup I decided to research event blogs aimed at the events industry, and to my surprise I didnt find one! So after a few more malibus and cokes I decided to setup my own aimed at recording my findings as I travel through a career in events. I will begin to share my thoughts on everything from floral decoration to seating plans to anything else that inspires me along the way! Join in and let me know what you find!

First thing to note that it is World Cup season and all men seem to have gone into crazed football fan mode. It's crazy how one event can lead to as my boyfriend described ' 10 pints before the match, a shot before, at half time and after the match', followed by even more beers to drown their sorrows... really! I'd love to see woman behave the same every time 'Dont tell the bride' comes on TV on a Wednesday eve!
Talking of 'Dont tell the bride' for those who havnt seen is a brilliant yet tacky tv show where woman hand over to their fiances, the responsibility of planning their one big day with no interjection WHY WHY WHY would you ever do that? From football strip colour schemed weddings to cheap dresses and expensive stag weekends the shows an ultimate cringe but hooks you! A friend of mine knows a maid of honour to be featured on the next series so cant wait for it to hit back on my screen sometime soon! Will keep you updatead!

No news to report at the moment, although I now have a date to move from London to Leeds 10th July which is very exciting off to join my lovely friends in our house of dreams, I imagine there will be lots of fairy lights and hopefully a prince Harry cardboard cutout is on the cards!

Recently also discovered I had been using the same red lipstick since I was about 7 from my days of Christmas pantos... very gross so I invested in a brand new 'rio red' from Topshops new makeup collection its fabulously RED! I love it!

Off to wash my clothes and pack my bag for a week working at the BBC Summer Good Food Show and BBC Gar
deners World Live at Birmingham NEC, do come along its going to be fun, spot me on Gardeners Green running around organising... just everything!! :)

World cup anthems and red lipstick kisses

Meg x